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4 Online Training Marketing Tactics to Increase Conversions

Looking to supercharge your conversion rate? Uncover the secrets to transforming leads into satisfied customers and skyrocketing your sales with these four dynamic online training marketing tactics.

10 Jun 2021 by Ryan Gould

The power behind using educational, online training marketing tactics to convert leads into customers is often way overlooked. In fact, educational content has proven to make consumers 131% more likely to purchase your products or services. This just goes to show that your company needs to leverage online training for marketing to secure more conversions and nurture trust with prospective customers.

Let’s discuss 4 specific online training marketing tactics you can use to boost your conversions and increase your bottom line!

4 online training marketing tactics to increase conversions

When it comes to using online training as a marketing tool, you can use it to educate your existing customers, potential new customers, and even your own internal employees. Let’s take a look at some of the ways on how you can boost your conversion rate with online training.

1. Send online training resources to current customers

Did you know acquiring a new customer can cost 5x more than retaining an existing customer? This is why it’s crucial to focus not only on finding new customers but to also maintain relationships with your current customers as well.

So, how do you do this? One way to retain your current customers is by creating an exclusive training library for them to learn from. You can send them a link to the library in an email blast or by placing them in a strategic email nurture campaign. By promoting your resource library via email, you can track the email open rate, conversions, and other valuable marketing metrics to analyze the success of the campaign.

What should you include in your exclusive resource library? Your resource library can be packed with interactive “how-to” video courses, eGuides, and quizzes to improve customer satisfaction and enable upselling. This can pique your customer’s interest on other offerings you have and educate them on how to use their current product or service.

Most importantly, how do you go about creating content for your exclusive resource library? Utilizing an authoring tool like Coassemble is preferred option by many marketing managers. These tools enable you to craft engaging and informative content, from interactive "how-to" video courses and eGuides to quizzes, all designed to enhance customer satisfaction and enable upselling. This not only piques your customer's interest in your other offerings but also educates them on how to use your current product or service.

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2. Use social media to educate your followers

With over 3.78 billion social media users worldwide, you want to make sure that your business is consistently publishing educational content on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok as one of the easiest digital marketing tactics to help grow your business.

What are some marketing tactics can use to harness your social media channels?

Here are a few educational online training ideas you can use to up-level your social media efforts and content marketing:

  • Post educational videos: Try making a long-form video on IGTV or a short-form video on Instagram Reels! This will be the place where you can dive in further about the specs of your products and services.
  • Create infographics: By creating infographics, your followers will be able to see valuable stats or other fun facts about your offerings in a quick glance.
  • Use Instagram Stories: You can use the “Quiz” feature on Instagram Stories to test your audience’s knowledge about your brand. This is a fun and interactive way to engage with prospective customers.
  • Go live: When going “live”, your viewers can ask you questions in real-time and get answers to questions about your business from an actual employee within your organization. Going “live” helps your audience put a face behind your brand and learn more about your business.

Note: All of your social media marketing content doesn’t have to be educational, but you want to sprinkle these posts in your social media calendar to allow your audience to get curious and learn more about your product and services.

3. Offer free training resources on your site

Once a user lands on your site, where do they go next? By having a general resource library with free digital content, your customers can learn more about the aspect of your business that intrigues them the most and potentially become a delighted customer later down the road. What resources can you offer in your resource library?

Here are some resource ideas to get you started:

  • eBooks
  • Guides
  • Infographics
  • Educational Videos
  • Quizzes
  • Checklists

Did you know: 58.6% of marketers claim that short-form written content such as checklists and eBook samples make for the highest conversion rates while only 41.4% claim that long-form written content guides and email courses make for the highest conversion rates. (GetResponse)

4. Use online training for marketing enablement

Need more marketing tactics to help increase conversions? You can use online training to educate your internal teams for marketing enablement success. Whether the purpose is to expedite onboarding, foster continual learning, or to inform your employees about a new product that's about to be launched, online training helps your marketing team to be better professionals and to improve your business’s bottom line. Using an authoring tool to create your online training content, build your course to include training videos centered around content marketing, marketing basics, company brand voice, and more!

Harness the power of online training

Offering online training for potential customers, your target audience and employees plays a huge role in the success of your company. Without educational training resources, your business will miss out on the opportunity to capture more revenue and delight more customers.

To make this process more efficient and effective, consider building your online training course with an authoring tool like Coassemble. These tools provide you with the ability to create engaging and impactful training content that resonates with your audience. Whether it's designing comprehensive onboarding courses for new customers or advanced skill development modules for employees, Coassemble empowers you to craft tailored experiences that boost satisfaction and increase conversions. Try Coassemble for free today!

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